Dishonesty Offences: Theft, Burglary, Robbery and other Related Offences
At McKenzia Solicitors we are experienced in representing clients charged with Dishonesty Offences. Dishonesty is a term used to identity offences which are conducted dishonestly for example theft and fraud are crimes that involve proof of dishonesty.
Types of Dishonesty Offences are as follows, but not limited to:
Burglary: Ent ering a home with the intent to commit a felony or theft.
Robbery: Using violence or threats of violence to take something from someone.
Handling stolen goods.
Money laundering.
Fraudulent trading.
We understand that allegations of theft, burglary and robbery are very serious offences which in certain circumstances carry serious penalties. Loss of career, employment, reputation and consequent loss of home, income and the breakdown of relationships. The test for dishonesty in all criminal cases is centred on the accused - actual state of knowledge or belief as to the facts and whether the accused - conduct was dishonest by the standards of ordinary decent people. We will assist our client to raise their defence successfully and leave no stones unturned in in establishing the relevant evidence to raise a strong defence.
At McKenzia Solicitors we work with great tenacity and ensure that we cover all areas when dealing with your case. We will work very closely with experienced Criminal Defence Barristers, expert witnesses such as Doctors, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Pathologists, Toxicologists and other various specialists to defend your case. Our Client will be able to make an informed decision as to which expert they would like to represent their case.